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Wagner–Peyser Act

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The Wagner–Peyser Act (Pub. L. 73–30) is a United States federal law that establishes a nationwide system of public employment offices, known as the Employment Service.[1] The US DOL Employment and Training Administration defines the Employment Service (ES) as the national system of public offices described under the act, where services are delivered through a nationwide system of one-stop centers, managed by state workforce agencies (SWAs) and the various local offices of the SWAs, and funded by the US DOL.[2]

The act was named for its congressional sponsors, Sen. Robert F. Wagner (D-New York) and Rep. Theodore A. Peyser (D-New York). As part of the New Deal, President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed the act into law on June 6, 1933, at the White House.[3] The act was later amended many times, especially by the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 and the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act of 2014.

