Because the speedy deletion tag(s) shown below was placed very shortly after this page's creation, at a time when the creator may not have finished the initial entry, and the CSD criteria it was tagged under is not critical (unlike attack pages, copyright violations, obvious tests, vandalism, patent nonsense, etc., all of which should be deleted immediately) the administrator or other uninvolved editor who reviewed the speedy deletion tag(s) is asking, by this notice's placement, for a customary 10–15 minute courtesy window for the original contributor to address any deficiencies. The article should not be deleted before that time. This template should only be applied to short articles with insufficient content for assessment purposes – always placed above (and never in place of) an existing speedy deletion tag |
This tag is placed above an existing speedy deletion tag and never in place of one. |
This template may have no transclusions. This is because it is substituted by a tool or script, it is used as part of a short-term or less active Wikipedia process, or for some other reason. |
Don't use this template on any page which doesn't have a speedy deletion tag. This template should not be substituted. Never replace a speedy deletion tag with this template; this template is placed in addition to an existing speedy tag.
This template has an optional parameter that allows you to specify a ten minutes time from creation for convenience of the reviewing administrator. Simply go to the article history, copy the time of creation and add ten minutes to it. You should only fill in the parameter calculating using Wikipedia's server's default time setting of UTC. Thus, if an article was created at 15:28 (UTC), the code for the template with the parameter filled in would be: {{Hasty|15:38}}
The role parameter can be filled in to specify whether the user placing this template on a page is an administrator or non-admin editor. If the user is an administrator, the code would be {{Hasty|role=admin}}, or if the user is a non-admin editor, the code would be {{Hasty|role=editor}}. If left blank, the template will not assume one or the other.